
The Evil Queen is here ♥

Moi! :) Tänne saapui eilen illalla Ever After High SDCC Raven Queen (Collectors edition) tyttönen. Valitettavasti tänään oli tosi pimeää, joten en saanut nukesta oikeen kunnollisia kuvia, mutta lupaan, että otan tästä vielä lisää kuvia kun on valosampaa! :) Tässä kuitenkin laatikkokuvat tyttösestä.

 Tässä pientä taustatarinaa nukesta, jos joku haluaa lukea:
"My Dearest Raven,
If you are reading this, then you have finally embraced your powers. For years, the spell of this mirror prison prevented me from speaking the truth. However, now you will finally be able to truly understand my side.

Back When I was at Ever After High, everyone followed the whole "Follow your Destiny" nonsense. What's the line they always say? "There are no short stories or tall tales". But when you're villain, people hate and fear you. So I stole the Storybook of Legends - the artifact that magically bound us to our destinies - and replacedit with magical replica that had none of its true power. I wasn't going to just accept that I must live out the rest of my days alone and reviled.

But then something unexpected happened. I fell in love with a Good King, and eventually you, my baby girl, came into my life. When I looked into your eyes, it was like my heart was looking back at me. I didn't need a magic mirror to tell me you were the fairest. However, not everyone saw you like that. People ran in fear, scared of who you would become. I would not stand idly by while my beautiful daughter was destined to be subjected to their ignorance. So I vowed to do something about it. I was going to reshabe the fairytale world in my image.. in our image. They would have no choice but to love "me" us.

That's why I always pushed you to be evil. And we are only a few steps away. Continue down the path, trust your dark instincts and let's rule this world together as mother and daughter. Know that I love you with all my malice in my heart.

Your Mother, The Evil Queen."

 Ja loppuun pari kuvaa kun nukke on ulos laatikosta, mutta näiden kuvien ottaminen oli aikamoista tuskaa ja ständin kanssa tappelua, koska tänään oli oikeasti pimeää. :(

Kiitos kun katsoitte!

2 kommenttia:

  1. Jes!
    Odotinkin tätä postausta.
    Toi boxi on kyllä upea ja nukke myös. Odotan pian kuvia tästä nukesta!

  2. Siis vau! Onpas hienosti suunniteltu tuo boksi! Ja nukkekin on kerrassaan täydellinen! ^3^ ♥


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